Friday 17 May 2013

Shameful story

Recently in our English lesson we completed a piece of free writing about a shameful story from our past, where we disappointed an adult. Our instructions were to write for ten minutes without taking our hand of the paper, describing as excitingly as possible an event from our past, and including as many of our 'favourite' words as possible.
Here it is, enjoy:

I ran all the way home from school with a friend, feeling very fabulous, crossing the roads without a care in the world, and listening to my mum shouting behind me. I reached the door in my own happy and excited bubble, expecting to be congratulated on my speed, perhaps with a bit of bling. Once my mum caught me up, I thought she was trying to call my bluff when she began to shout, but no. I really was in big trouble, even worse when I revealed I had run in front of a lorry with a hoist.


  1. I like the creative use of your words - though I was hoping that you might 'draft' and develop from the original free-writing exercise! It is very succinct, though I'm not sure that I entirely understand the significance of the final line.

  2. I really like this recount of your shameful story, and I think it was nice that you gave a small explanation of the task you had to complete. The last sentence was amusing and I think you manageg to include your favourite words

  3. I really enjoyed this. Found it rather funny that you were so proud of yourself only for your mum to shout at you. Must have been embarasisng though. I liked the ending, as it gave a bit more extra detail on what happened during your run home. :)
